Top 8 Best Rivalries That Ignite the World of One Piece!

The world of One Piece is replete with captivating rivalries that add excitement and depth to the narrative. These fierce clashes between characters with contrasting ambitions, ideologies, and powers have enthralled fans throughout the series. Here are the top eight rivalries that have set the world of One Piece ablaze!


Law used to be under the dominion of Doflamingo, assuming a subordinate position. Initially, their relationship was friendly, with Doflamingo treating Law like a younger sibling.

However, Law eventually discovered the truth about Doflamingo’s lack of genuine care for him. It came to light that Doflamingo had planned to manipulate Law through the immortality procedure of the Ope Ope no Mi, intending to use Law as a pawn to advance his own agenda. To make matters worse, Doflamingo callously ended Corazon’s life, who had selflessly saved Law by sacrificing his own Devil Fruit power to cure Law’s illness.

Motivated by profound loyalty and a thirst for revenge, Law disavowed his allegiance to Doflamingo. He vowed to avenge Corazon’s death and completely severed all connections with his former mentor.

Following the betrayal, Doflamingo nurtured an intense desire to inflict the most excruciating demise upon Law. The animosity between them escalated further due to Law’s enigmatic “D.” nature and Doflamingo’s history as a World Noble, a fact that Corazon had already known.


Shanks maintains a vigilant and watchful eye on Teach. Although the specific details remain undisclosed, Shanks has previously confessed to Whitebeard that his distinctive facial scar was the result of a direct clash with Teach. Shanks possesses a profound understanding of the immense threat posed by Blackbeard, surpassing that of any other individual.

Even during the intense events at Marineford, Shanks addressed Teach with a noticeable tension, recognizing him as a significant menace compared to both the Marines and the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as their subordinate crews in the perilous New World.

Having already proclaimed the arrival of “his” era, revealing new members of his crew and demonstrating his command over two Devil Fruits, Teach declared that he had achieved his immediate objective. However, he is also aware that he is not yet prepared to confront the other Yonko.


Kuzan harbors a profound hostility towards Fleet Admiral Sakazuki due to the latter’s unwavering commitment to the doctrine of “Absolute Justice.” This disdain stems from their shared past as vice admirals. During that time, Sakazuki committed a heinous act by ruthlessly slaughtering innocent civilians in Ohara, preventing any of the archaeologists from escaping the catastrophic Buster Call. This despicable action led Kuzan to brand Sakazuki as a fool.

When Admiral Sengoku retired from his position, Kuzan vehemently opposed the idea of Admiral Akainu taking up the mantle of fleet admiral. He engaged in a fierce and relentless battle with Akainu, despite initially having little personal interest in the position for himself. The intense clash between them endured for a grueling period of ten days. Unfortunately, Kuzan was ultimately defeated, compelling him to resign from the Marines rather than serve under Sakazuki’s command.


Shiki held a position of immense respect among the pirates, earning Roger’s utmost admiration. During their youth, the two pirates engaged in numerous clashes driven by their divergent aspirations. Shiki sought absolute control, while Roger simply longed for freedom. However, in their final battle, Shiki displayed a willingness to let go of past grievances if Roger would agree to form an alliance. He even proposed joining forces with the Pirate King to realize his ambitious dream of conquest, envisioning the entire known world as their spoils.

When Roger was “captured” by the Marines, Shiki’s anger propelled him to launch a ferocious assault on Marineford. He expressed regret that he hadn’t been the one to end Roger’s life. Even while imprisoned in Impel Down, he nostalgically reflected on his old rival, experiencing a profound sadness as he witnessed a new generation of rookies aspiring to venture into the treacherous Grand Line while veterans like Roger had already passed away.


In the days of yore, Mihawk stood as an imposing rival to one of the most fearsome pirates in the world, Shanks. Their epic battles reverberated across the vast expanses of the Grand Line, with Mihawk actively seeking out duels with Shanks. However, after Shanks lost his arm twelve years ago, Mihawk ceased his pursuit of their duels.

With time, Mihawk achieved the prestigious title of the “World’s Greatest Swordsman” and joined the esteemed ranks of the Shichibukai. Despite their contrasting personalities, Mihawk and Shanks maintain a neutral yet somewhat cordial relationship. When the need arises, Mihawk possesses the ability to locate Shanks. Interestingly, despite their differences, the two manage to foster a sense of camaraderie between them.


Gol D. Roger, renowned as the Pirate King, stands as the first individual to conquer the perilous Grand Line. As expected, his elevated status as the ruler of pirates attracted numerous adversaries. One notable challenger was Whitebeard, a formidable figure known to be among the few capable of matching Roger in combat.

Despite their rivalry, Whitebeard held a profound admiration for Gol D. Roger. Not long before his own demise, Roger and Whitebeard met on an island for what appeared to be a friendly drinking session. During their encounter, Roger generously offered to divulge the location of Laugh Tale, a significant secret associated with the Grand Line, to Whitebeard. Furthermore, when Whitebeard inquired about the mysterious “Will of D.,” Roger willingly shared his knowledge.

Upon discovering that Ace, Whitebeard’s own surrogate son, was the offspring of his formidable rival, Whitebeard did not perceive their blood connection as a hindrance. On the contrary, he sought to instill in Ace a deep respect for Roger as his biological father.


In his role as a Marine, Garp made numerous attempts to eliminate Roger. Their history is defined by a long-standing rivalry, except during their encounters with the notorious Rocks Pirates. However, as Roger faced his imminent execution, having turned himself in due to a terminal illness, he made a final appeal to Garp. He requested that Garp protect his unborn child, emphasizing that the innocent child should not be held accountable for the sins of their father.

Despite their countless clashes, Roger came to view Garp as more than just an adversary, considering him a friend akin to the rest of his crew. In return, Garp displayed a certain degree of respect for Roger. Significantly, he not only shielded Ace, Roger’s son, but also expressed disappointment when Ace chose to reject his lineage to Roger. Garp even confided in Dadan, stating that despite his role as a Marine, he could never harbor hatred towards Roger.


Rocks D. Xebec served as the captain of the fearsome Rocks Pirates, a legendary crew that sailed the seas 38 years prior to the current events of the storyline. Renowned as the most formidable pirate crew of their time, they instilled terror in the hearts of all who crossed their path.

Rocks D. Xebec possessed a cruel and ambitious nature, harboring a grand aspiration to become the ruler of the entire world. To establish his dominance, he mercilessly attacked numerous locations, leaving behind a path of devastation.

Significantly, Rocks D. Xebec stood as the greatest rival to the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, surpassing even his eventual subordinate, Whitebeard, in terms of threat. It took the combined efforts of both Roger and Monkey D. Garp to bring an end to Rocks D. Xebec’s reign of terror.

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