The long scar on Whitebeard’s chest was caused by the Holy Knight Leader Figarland Gariling

Who do you believe left the most prominent mark on Whitebeard’s physique?

In the period prior to the timeskip, the renowned Yonko, Red-haired Shanks, approached Whitebeard and beseeched him to prevent Ace from pursuing Blackbeard. In this encounter, Shanks eliminated Thatch to acquire the Yami Yami no mi Dark Devil Fruit.

Immediately upon meeting Shanks, Whitebeard uttered, “Merely observing your countenance brings back the pain inflicted by that scoundrel.”

Which injury do you think Whitebeard was referring to? Was it the minuscule wound inflicted by Roger twenty-six years ago, or perhaps a distinct, quadrant-shaped scar?

My belief is that it is neither. Instead, it refers to the lengthy scar running down the center of his chest.

So, who could have inflicted such a substantial scar on Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world?

I am inclined to believe that it was not Roger. Not because Roger lacked the strength to accomplish it, but because twenty-six years ago, during their last confrontation, Whitebeard did not bear such a lengthy scar.

Furthermore, this mention of the scar implies that it holds a deep sorrow that Whitebeard prefers not to discuss—a sentiment similar to Garp’s reluctance to bring up the God Valley incident.

Whitebeard subsequently implies that Roger, Garp, and Sengoku, although once his knowledgeable contemporaries of the sea, are now relatively less informed than he is, suggesting a more sympathetic sentiment towards the scar.

Therefore, apart from Roger, Garp, and Sengoku, none of them can be responsible for that extensive scar. It could not have been caused by the Admirals, Mihawks, or even the likes of Big Mom and Kaido, who are all weaker than Whitebeard.

In the One Piece Film Red, the Five Elders disclosed that Yonko Shanks is part of the Figarland lineage, discovered by Roger among the treasures acquired after the God Valley battle thirty-eight years ago.

If we consider the events of the recent One Piece Chapter 1086, where the leader of the Holy Knights is also a member of the Figarland family, namely Figarland Garling, the discussions become all the more significant. Notably, Garling was once the King of God Valley, a place that vanished entirely thirty-eight years ago.

Taking all these facts into account, it can be deduced that Figarland Garling, the father of Red-Haired Shanks, is the one who left the most prominent scar on Whitebeard’s chest. This indicates that the elderly leader of the Holy Knights possesses great strength, comparable to that of Garp or Sengoku.

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