Revealing the Name and Role of the Five Elders (Gorosei/五老星) in One Piece

After the revelation of one of the Five Elders’ names in Chapter 1073 as Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, it became relatively easy for fans to speculate on the names of the remaining four Elders. Eventually, in Chapter 1086, Oda unveiled their names.

In addition to their names, the Five Elders also hold the title of “God Warrior” or “Warrior of God.” This title suggests their immense power and connection to divine forces. Furthermore, each of the Elders has distinct responsibilities, overseeing different areas of governance, similar to the various tasks assigned to Vegapunk’s clones.

Name of the Five Elders (Gorosei/五老星)

  • Saint Jaygarcia Saturn: Warrior God of Scientific Defense
  • Saint Shepherd Ju Peter: Warrior God of Agriculture
  • Saint Ethanbaron V. Nasujuro: Warrior God of Finance
  • Saint Topman Valkyrie: Warrior God of Legal Affairs
  • Saint Marcus Mars: Warrior God of Environment

The names of the three individuals, Peter, Nasujuro, and Valkyrie, bear a clever pun rooted in the pronunciation of the names of three planets in Japanese.

  • Ju Peter – Jupiter
  • V. Nasujuro – Venus
  • (Val)kyrie – Mercury

The Five Elders are a council of the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons that make up the heads of state for the World Government. They essentially hold the greatest authority over the entirety of the world; the only exception being the mysterious sovereign Imu whom they answer to as king of the world in secrecy.


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