Monkey D. Dragon possesses a Devil Fruit of unparalleled strength

In your perspective, which Devil Fruit power does the leader of the Revolutionary Army possess in One Piece? Here are my thoughts on the matter.

Monkey D. Dragon is holding the last Road Poneglyph

Thus far in the One Piece series, there are 13 characters who possess Logia-type Devil Fruit abilities. These range from average pirates like Caribou and Monet to slightly more formidable ones like Crocodile. At the highest level, we have the Four Emperors, with Blackbeard wielding the Yami Yami Dark Devil Fruit. Additionally, among the Marines, we have Vice Admiral Smoker with the Moku Moku Smoke Fruit, Admiral Kizaru with the Pika Pika Devil Fruit, Admiral Aramaki with the Mori Mori no mi Devil Fruit, and Admiral Akainu with the Magu Magu no mi Devil Fruit. These Devil Fruit users possess some of the most destructive attacks in One Piece.

Apart from Caribou, Blackbeard, and Akainu, there seems to be a connection between their powers and human nature, specifically in relation to their current roles with the Devil Fruits they possess. For instance, Caribou embodies dirtiness, while Blackbeard embodies cunning, darkness, and brutality. Akainu, on the other hand, is strong, hot-tempered, and resolute like lava. However, we don’t see this connection with the other characters.

In contrast, when it comes to characters with Zoan powers, especially mythical Zoan powers, Oda has established a strong connection with human nature and their roles in One Piece. These characters play significant roles and have important highlights in the series.

For example, Marco, the former commander of the Whitebeard Pirates’ 1st division and the strongest son of Whitebeard’s godfather, possesses the mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix. In Eastern mythology, the phoenix symbolizes virtue, grace, elegance, and the harmony of yin and yang.

Former Fleet Admiral Sengoku possesses the Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu. Yonko Kaido possesses the mythical Dragon Zoan fruit.

Catarina Devon, a female member of Blackbeard’s crew, possesses the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune Devil Fruit, and her cruel and cunning nature aligns with that of a fox.

Kurozumi Orochi possesses the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi Devil Fruit, and his nature reflects the eight sins represented by the eight heads of the Eight-Forked Serpent: filial piety, distrust, ignorance, stupidity, insensitivity, malice, frivolity, and lust.

More recently, we have Yamato and Straw Hat Luffy. Yamato, despite being the daughter of Beast Kaido, holds deep admiration for Kozuki Oden, an enemy and obsession of her father. Yamato staunchly opposes her father to protect the Wano Nation at all costs. This 28-year-old possesses the mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Inu Inu no mi – Model: Oguchi no Makami, which aligns perfectly with the guardian god of Wano Nation, symbolizing Yamato’s role.

Now, what about Luffy? How does the mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Hito Hito no mi – Model: Nika the Sun God relate to Luffy’s human nature? There are numerous similarities that we are already familiar with, so I won’t delve into details.

And given the extraordinary character of Dragon, the esteemed leader of the Revolutionary Army, a formidable force that directly opposes the World Government, it becomes evident that a mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, such as Yamato, Kaido, or Sengoku, would be far more fitting than a Logia-type Devil Fruit.

Naturally, the mythical Zoan Devil Fruit owned by Dragon must align with his character and ideals, much like Orochi’s Devil Fruit, the mythical Zoan fruit known as Hebi Hebi no mi, Model: Yamato no Orochi.

Dragon’s ideals serve as the guiding principles for the Revolutionary Army, which strive for True Freedom on behalf of the people oppressed by the World Government’s political control.

If we observe closely, we notice that Luffy aspires to become the Pirate King because he yearns to be the epitome of freedom. In essence, Luffy’s journey as a pirate unknowingly aligns with his father, Dragon, who is a revolutionary. Both individuals pursue genuine freedom, both for themselves and for all.

Considering that Luffy possesses a tremendously powerful mythical Zoan Devil Fruit, it follows that Dragon, being an equally exceptional figure in the world of One Piece, would also possess a mythical Zoan Devil Fruit instead of a Logia-type.

In North America, there exists a renowned mythical creature deeply entwined with the history and culture of the indigenous communities: the Thunderbird. This majestic bird, resembling a colossal eagle, boasts unparalleled strength and reigns over the skies alongside various flying creatures.

The Thunderbird holds significant importance and is frequently depicted in the art, songs, and oral traditions of numerous Pacific Northwest Coast cultures. It also appears in different forms among certain peoples residing in the American Southwest, East Coast, Great Lakes, and Great Plains regions. In modern times, it has gained notoriety as an alleged cryptid, akin to creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

In Algonquian mythology, the thunderbird controls the upper world while the underworld is governed by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent. The thunderbird creates not just thunder (with its wing-flapping) but lightning bolts, which it casts at the underworld creatures.

Thunderbirds in this tradition may be depicted as a spreadeagled bird (wings horizontal head in profile), but also quite common with the head facing forward, thus presenting an X-shaped appearance overall (see under §Iconography below).


According to Algonquian mythology, the Thunderbird governs the upper realm, while the underworld is controlled by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent. The Thunderbird not only generates thunder through its wing-flapping but also hurls lightning bolts at the creatures of the underworld.

In the totem poles crafted by North American Indigenous communities, Thunderbirds often occupy the highest position, symbolizing their strength and territorial dominion.

This imagery resonates with Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in One Piece, who breathes life into lands oppressed by the World Government.

It is highly plausible that Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary forces, possesses the mythical Zoan Devil Fruit known as Tori Tori no mi, Model: Bird Thunderbird, considering the striking similarities in power between Dragon and this Thunderbird, capable of creating storms, thunder, and controlling the weather.

If the Dragon represents the epitome of power in Eastern culture, the Thunderbird serves as the Sky Lord and embodies the spirit of Thunder in North American indigenous culture. It would be truly remarkable if Monkey D. Dragon were to possess this extraordinary Devil Fruit ability.

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